Professional Headshot – Ottawa Photographer


Professional headshot – Ottawa photographer

Your headshot is your introduction and first impression to the world. I am a specialist

in professional headshot and business portraits with decades of experience in the industry.

90% of the photography I do consists of headshots and corporate portraits.

This is the best advice I can give you:

Social media like LinkedIn and Twitter are hunting grounds for recruiters.

If you’re self employed your bio on your own website is just as important.

Needless to say, how you present yourself to your audience is key to your success.

You are and should be in control of the message. Your professional headshot should be just what it says –

A professional headshot.

Not only should you look professional but also approachable, friendly, confident and knowledgeable.

Your online presence is an opportunity for others to learn about you and your business.

First impression is really paramount!

Controlling the message you’re conveying to your audience should be carefully planned.

This is why you should always hire a professional photographer

who specializes in commercial photography for your headshot or corporate portrait.

Recruiters in particular utilize social media to discover

new talent and learn about their skills,  personality and ambitions.

Before meeting with someone for the first time,

recruiters will do a quick Internet search to find out more about prospects in advance.

Going the extra mile and having a polished professional headshot that represents you well,

you’ve already made a positive impression on anyone who has discovered your profile.

Keep in mind the implications of not having a professional headshot.


I invite you to view my headshot page:


You can also reach me by email:

Or by phone at 613 866-7548

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