Ottawa Portrait Studio – The Cleopatra Theme

ottawa, portrait, studio, portraits, photographer, professional, photographyottawa, portrait, studio, professional, photography, photographers, headshotsHere’s something that should turn a few heads!

My studio has acquired this beautiful Cleopatra costume and we’re offering the Cleo Theme Portraits

for those women who want something different and glamourous.

For more info about  our studio portrait services you can reach us at 613 866-7548

or you can also visit our portrait page by clicking here

Ottawa Portrait Studio

Ottawa, photographer, studio, portrait, youth, teens, photographers, portraits, casual, picturesottawa, casual, portrait, photographer, studio, portraits, photographers, pictures, photosI posted these portraits a little over a year ago to introduce some of our new studio backdrops.

It’s very colourful and also ideal for teens and young adults who wish to have some portraits

with a little punch and different from the conventional studio portraits.

It’s casual, fresh and your friends will love your pics!

Book a shoot, purchase a photo package and we’ll give you a free Photo CD with your pics –

Ideal for sharing on Facebook or any social media!

You can view more sample images and our package listing by clicking here

Business Portrait Ottawa

business, portrait, ottawa, portraits, studio, photographer, headshots, photographers

Nothing is more important than a first impression.

A potential client’s decision to do business with you will often

be based in large part by what they see before they even have a chance to meet you.

A business portrait speaks volumes about who you are.

Make no mistake about it – Your business headshot is your calling card and it speaks volume!

For more info about our Business Portraits & Headshots please  click here

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